oats almond crackers It's baking time again. Yes, of course, it's cookie time. I was feeling bored of my regular cookie recipes, so wanted to give it a break. I thought to go for Patanjali'd atta cookies just to break my cookie baking spree. But then I changed my mind, thinking outside food is not healthy. So I nipped my idea in the bud and decided to bake another batch of healthy cookies. I can say this is one of the healthiest ever baked by me because it uses small amount of ghee (clarified butter) and not a pinch of baking powder or any leveaning agents. I am so happy with the result that I wanted to share with you all. The last time I didn't add baking powder to my cookies was when I was a newbie in the baking arena. That almond meal cookie batch was the tastiest ever but was hard on the teeth, since I used neither ghee, nor baking powder. S the cookies turned out hard, but they tasted awesome. Thanks to my teeth that bore the brunt then.. But this tim...
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