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Showing posts with the label What colour should dried apricots be

It's a WARNING!! Don't BUY Orange-Colored Dried Apricot

 There are two-three types of dried apricots available on the market: Orange Light brown Dark brown Which dried apricot is better? What colour should dried apricots be? Why are some apricots brown? Is it normal for dried apricots to be brown? Why are organic apricots brown?  Why are some dried apricots brown and some orange? What is the actual color of apricot? What is the natural color of apricots? Is it safe to eat apricots with brown spots? Is it OK to eat dried apricots? Should we soak dried apricots before eating? True, orange looks more vivid and beautiful. But is is chemically treated during preservation to preserve the fruit color. The ones that look tad darker or light brown are healthier options than orange colored dried fruit. They are naturally dried under the sun without any chemical preservatives. The healthier ones are also sweeter than the one treated with sulphur.