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Showing posts with the label easy applesauce recipe

The Easiest Homemade Applesauce Recipe Without Sugar is Here

 Making homemade applesauce without sugar is easy and quick. All you need to do is boil whole apples with a little amount of water for 4-6 whistles. The idea is to make the pulp soft. That's it.  Cooked versus Raw Apples Crunchy and juicy, apples are a beloved fruit enjoyed raw in countless ways. But did you know that cooking brings out another side of this versatile fruit, unlocking a surprising array of health benefits? Let's explore why cooked apples deserve a place on your menu beyond pie and crumbles: Digestive Delight: Fiber Superstar: Cooked apples retain their impressive fiber content, aiding digestion and promoting regularity. The softened fiber is even easier to absorb, making it beneficial for individuals with sensitive stomachs. Prebiotic Powerhouse: Pectin, a soluble fiber in apples, acts as a prebiotic, feeding the good bacteria in your gut and boosting overall gut health. This can help strengthen your immune system and improve nutrient absorption. Soothing Sensat