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Is It Good To Eat Flaxseeds Everyday [How Much Flax Should I Eat Per Day]

What are the benefits of flax seeds? Is it good to eat flaxseed every day? How much flaxseed should I eat per day? Well, if these questions are troubling you, then we have the answers. Let's begin with the first question : Is it safe to eat flax seeds? Benefits Galore Flaxseeds are the latest craze in the world of health freaks aka #superfood lovers. If you, too, find yourself often hunting for all things superfood, then you have heard of flaxseeds or even use them in your #healthydietarylife. But what is it that makes flaxseeds, also known as linseeds, as a super se bhi upper wala food. Flax seeds, as their name suggests, are seeds. As you all know seeds are the latest craze in the health-conscious world. True, seeds comprise good fats, fiber, lignans, and proteins. They pack a powerful mineral punch too that a majority of us are deficient in. For example, magnesium, zinc, calcium. These are essential to our #health. But we find ourselves deficient in these essential minerals. Our