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Showing posts with the label onion pickle

pickled beets and onions apple cider vinegar

If you are like me, you love sirke wale pyaz or pickled onions with beetroot and vinegar. I have already shared a beet onion pickle recipe without vinegar because that one was lacto-fermented. However, now I have come up with an instant onion pickle recipe that gets ready the same day and onions remain crunchy even after a week in the refrigerator. The easy and simple pickled onions recipe uses small onions or shallouts. You may use big onions and cut them into small pieces. Rinse onions and scrape off their skin. However, do not throw away the skin as we can use them to make hair tonic. If you are using shallouts, make a criss cross sign. We want the onion to remain intact. Next keep some water for boiling. We want it to be bubbling hot. Take a streilized glass jar. Throw in chopped beetroot. Layer onions and beet. Pour hot water and leave some space for apple cider vinegar. The amount of vinegar should be 1/4 of that of water. That means if you are using 1 cup of water, you need 1/4