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Putting Green in Your Backyard

This article is your guide to know how to build backyard putting green. If you have enough space in your backyard, you can very well turn your dream into reality and get your dream putting green in your backyard. Location, slope, soil mixture, type of grass, drainage, irrigation are important factors that help in building putting green in your backyard. To cut down the maintenance cost, you can opt for synthetic grass. This will also keep pests and weeds away. Putting green in your backyard is a great alternative to your personal golf course. And you would be surprised to know that you can lay the golf turf on your own. If you are a golf enthusiast, read on to understand the tips to build putting green in your backyard.  Know How to Build Backyard Putting Green Your love for golf would certainly encourage you to know how to build a putting green in the backyard. With a putting green in your backyard, you can practice your short game without having to pay the golf course f

Pomegranate Tree Care Guidelines

Punica Granatum or pomegranate tree care tips are necessary to ensure a good plant. Though you might think pomegranate tree care is an onerous task, yet the fruits of your labor during the summers and winters will be very sweet. Apart from blessing you with a juicy, sweet fruit, pomegranate tree decorates your garden. Ideal Time to Plant a Pomegranate Tree is Spring Spring is the appropriate time to plant pomegranate tree. Cool winters and hot summers are conducive for the growth of the pomegranate tree. The ideal temperature for the pomegranate fruit to bloom lies between 30F and 90F. If temperatures fall below 15F, the tree can sustain significant damage and is less likely to bloom fully. Tips to Care for A Pomegranate Tree Follow the pomegranate tree care guidelines to enhance the beauty of your garden and enjoy a juicy fruit in the fall. Loamy Soil is Ideal for the Growth of a Pomegranate Tree Though pomegranate tree grows well in almost all types of soil, calci

Diabetes Diet - Need for Healthy Eating

Diabetes is like your best friend that will never say it quits and keep you on your tenterhooks all the time. Like it or dislike it, but you cannot ignore it. diabetes foods There is a lot of hype about the perfect diabetes diet. But a handful of people understand that diabetes cannot be treated, but yes, you can manage its symptoms to improve your quality of life.    So is there a perfect diet to manage diabetes? Well, there is no such fixed diet for diabetics. Diabetes seems to have become a dreaded word these days. What exactly is it? How does it affect an individual? The researchers at University of Cambridge have come up with some disturbing statistics, relating type 2 diabetes with the consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. Statistics reveal   " 184,000 people die each year from health problems related to sugary drink consumption." The better you understand diabetes, the better you can manage it.Diabetes, they say, is a lifestyle disease, wo

Phosphoric Acid in Soft Drinks: Say No to Carbonated Beverages

Soda Drink Side Effects : A Myth or Reality? We all love carbonated drinks like anything, but do you have any idea about the phosphoric acid content in soft drinks? Surprised, are you? Well, research reveals that phosphoric acid is added to your favorite soft drinks. To know why it is added and what its effects are, please read further. Here I must tell you that when I first heard cries about soda drink side effects, I was addicted to these beverages. As a health-conscious individual, with my own fitness goals, I immediately decided to STOP drinking soda drinks. Since then I have never felt a craving for these sugar-rich beverages. Though it was hard to quench my cravings for these drinks initially, I had to work hard to reduced my consumption in the beginning, limiting it to almost 50% of what I used to have earlier. Gradually, I reduced the intake further. Here I am today - with no cravings for sodas!!! I am happy my transition wasn't too difficult!   No one in my home

Impact of High Cholesterol on Our Health

cholesterol good or bad Every day we hear about high cholesterol content food and its impact on our health.  But hardly do we try to understand which foods actually contain high cholesterol. If you are interested in understanding which foods are rich in high cholesterol content, read further. Fat and cholesterol remain the most attention grabbers of all the nutrients in our diet. Dieticians or health experts focus on fat and cholesterol most of the time and blame both for all the health hazards and dietary concerns, though fat and cholesterol are essential components of the body and are vital to good health. Thus it is essential that fat and cholesterol-rich foods are taken in adequate quantity to keep the body metabolism functioning properly. Importance of Cholesterol Cholesterol is a fat-like substance found in the cells of our body. Our body produces cholesterol because it is essential for the production of sex hormone, bile, and vitamin D and functioning of

Blood Sugar Levels Over 500

blood sugars over 500 Ever wondered what the blood sugar reading is all about? Ever heard somebody telling that their blood glucose levels rose to 500 once? Well, if somebody experiences blood sugar levels of as high as 500, it is certainly a medical emergency that needs to be responded to immediately; else the condition can quickly turn fatal. Risk of Blood Sugars Over 500 Optimal blood glucose levels are crucial to the health and survival of an individual, since glucose is the main energy source for the body. In a normal human body, blood sugar levels begin to rise after a meal, which causes pancreas to release insulin in order to help the cells use glucose for energy. On the other hand is a diabetic, whose blood glucose levels rise when pancreas secrete little or no insulin for control sugar levels. In some patients, these levels may rise as high as 500 mg, which is truly a life-threatening condition. Such a condition may cause serious complications for pregnant