No, mango frooty is not a favorite this side. I know it's a kid's favorite, but I have never fallen for fruity, though I love mangoes. After all, who does not love the king of fruits? Yes, I know a couple of people who do not! Do not be surprised by this, because the earth is a bag full of mixed breeds - so rejoice and cherish what you love, that's it, without bothering about whether the other person likes it or not! Anyway, I am not going to hijack the mango frooty post with my jargon! instant mango fruity recipe Okay, so we were discussing mango frooty - I have never been fond of fruity, not even in my childhood, while both of my siblings were madly in love with this mango squash. I find mango flavor too overpowering in fruity - one reason it never found favorites with me! Yes, it's true. mango frooty with jaggery at home So what inspired me to come up with my own version of homemade mango fruity? Well, the mango season has just arrived and we still...
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