Come fall and all of us are busy reseeding our lawns, hoping to see the green turf in a few weeks. It is the only way to replace the brown, bare spots and replace that with a green turf. Learn in this article how to reseed your lawn so that it assumes a greener look. reseed the lawn Need to Reseed the Lawn Brown spots have taken over the best of your lawn and the once green lawn has turned completely brown. What should you do in such a case? Your lawn requires reseeding. Some other factors that will determine if your lawn needs reseeding are: • If you find almost half of your lawn grass dead. • If you find the lawn soft and spongy while walking on it. • If you find your lawn infested with fungus, weeds, insects, worms. • If you find brown patches or discolored spots instead of the green turf. In case any of these conditions facing your lawn, have your soil tested to diagnose the problem and ensure that all the required mineral contents are intact. M...
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