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Showing posts from November 8, 2020

Besan Ki Roti for Weight Loss, Diabetes (Gluten-Free Chickpea Flatbread Recipe by RAVNEET BHALLA)

 How do you make besan ki roti for weight loss? Chickpea flour is packed with protein that keeps you filling full for longer in addition to fiber, which makes the gluten-free besan chapati recipe a perfect treat for weight loss. Whether you love to eat besan ki roti with chutney or onion or soya chili, this easy fulka recipe will come in handy. Besan ki roti benefits  Rich in folate Well, when it comes to counting the benefits of besan fulka, there are aplenty. Also known as garbanzo beans, chickpea beans are legumes that are rich in fiber and protein. Chickpeas are rich in vitamins and minerals. Chickpea flour is replete with folate, which is almost double that of fortified wheat flour.  That means if you are deficient in iron and hemoglobin, you should increase your intake of besan ki roti or chickpea flour. Pregnant women who use chickpea flour roti or besan recipes are at a low risk of spinal cord or neural chord defects during this time, which are common among women...

Deepti's Healthy Diwali Sweets & Snacks Recipes 2020

 How do you celebrate a happy, safe, and healthy Diwali 2020? While coronavirus has already wreaked havoc around the globe, we are looking for ways to celebrate the festival of lights safely. Here are a few tips to celebrate Diwali in a healthy and safe way. Avoid burning crackers - Coronavirus or not, crackers must be prohibited in every home always, let alone on Diwali. The amount of pollution crackers emit causes a lot of noise and breathing problems. Carbon particles from fumes and chemical vapors aggravate the pre-existing allergic condition. Even worse, vapor particles are hard to get rid of. They tend to stick to nostrils and aggravate respiratory problems, including asthma, allergies, bronchitis, and Rhinitis. Sadly, it further causes lung-related problems and breathlessness. This could further result in a spike in COVID-19 cases. Do you want a safe Diwali? Forget crackers!! On a side not, you might not be aware of the small hands that make crackers. Do you know little chil...