imli ladoos Time to take a trip down the memory lane...time to travel to childhood days again with this tangy, sweet & addictive imli bombs!!! Taste awesome, though turned a little hard! Nevertheless I am in love with these imli ladoos again! These were my favorite munching sweet 'n savory treats as a child. What about you? I am sure kids love them as much as we love these even today. So if you buy them for yourself or kids, why not try these delicacies at home? After all, home stuff is still better than the market junk? What do you think? imli ladoo tamarind balls Imli ladoos recipe: Jaggery (gur) - 250 gm Tamarind (fresh imli) -250 gm Rosted cumin powder:-1/2 tsp Black salt:- 1/2 tsp ghee:-1/2 tsp Process De-seed imli and then grind it. The purpose is to make it soft so that it easily gets dissolved in jaggery. Take a thick, heavy bottomed pan and add jaggery. Heat on a low flame. When jaggery melts, im...
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