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Showing posts from May 27, 2018

Whole Wheat Marie Biscuit: Sugarless Cookie Recipe

If you are not a cookie lover, you still like Marie biscuits right? Why? Well, the reason could be their light, flaky texture, subtle sweetness, milky goodness, and health tag attached to Marie biscuits. But market stuff is still junk - loaded with white flour, white sugar, flavoring agents, and preservatives. What more would you expect from commercial baked goodies? Homemade is homemade after all. If you could recreate the magic at home, it has no equivalent, right?  Yes, homemade atta Marie biscuits are born! atta Marie biscuit homemade So let's get started with the Marie biscuit mania and see if we can come closer. Seems like my second atta Marie biscuit attempt has brought me closer (anyway, it is much healthier than market junk), but I am not someone who will accept defeat so easily. I want to recreate the exact same taste and I will continue to experiment further until the result is completely in my favor. homemade whole wheat marie biscuits The proc...