tangy radish chutney Radish chutney? No,I am not kidding. In fact, this term would have certainly sprung a surprise on me a couple of years back when cooking was nowhere in my dreams. Now that I have begun cooking, it isn't a surprise for me. But the credit for this yummy, tangy radish chutney goes to Vins Raj. I love her food posts that are inspired by her south Indian origin, for I love food from the south. It's yummy in every way. Slight modification to the original recipe has given my mooli chutney a new color! Radish is one root vegetable that does not have a huge fan following. But I love mooli in all its forms - from salad to soup, from curry to stir fry, from sambar to chutney. radish sambar You will find a number of radish recipe experiments in this website alone. I have already tried mooli sambar, inspired by Chinnis Corner. The sambar came out yummy. I won;t be wrong to say that it was one of the tastiest sambar types I have ever had. Then I ha...
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