diabetes friendly recipes Diabetes is a dreded word. I know it can be really dreadful feeling if you are diagnosed with this lifestyle disease, for both my parents-in law are diabetics. It is a pain to see them take insulin injections three times a day - yes, thrice every day before every single meal. So I have seen it all - I must say after having been diagnosed with diabetes, they have been strict with their regimen. Perhaps they do fail to follow their regimen once or twice during family functions and ceremonies. But nevertheless, they are doing well with their diabetes management! What Diabetes? How to manage diabetes symptoms? some people hold the belief that "a recipe that does not use sugar is diabetes friendly." How far is it true? Well, no sugar does not mean diabetes friendly! There are certain foods and fruits that you would want to avoid as a diabetic - with the most common being banana, mango, dates. Apple,orange, guava are diabetes friend...
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