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Showing posts from July 29, 2018

Sugarless No Bake Gluten-Free Brownies With 3 Ingredients

Looking for a no-bake brownie recipe? This is a simple brownie recipe that uses 3 ingredients and is sugarfree. The gluten-free almond brownie is fudgy, it's gooey, it's chocolatey, and yes, it's for you all to indulge in the rich goodness of healthy ingredients for those sweet cravings. Try out this simple no-bake refined sugarfree brownie with homemade instant almond meal. Any takers for this gluten-free brownie recipe? no bake brownies with almond meal 3-ingredient no bake brownies give you a gluten-free recipe, which is also refined sugar free.  It's fudgy, it's gooey, it's chocolatey, and yes, it's for you all to indulge in the rich goodness of healthy ingredients for those sweet cravings. Any takers? Why I choose almonds over cashews almond benefits benefits of almonds for kids and elders alike Here's how you can make instant almond meal at home - no soaking method! Ingredients 1/2 cup almond flour/mea...

Chemical-Free Almond Oats Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda: How To Make Oatmeal Delicious in A Kid-Friendly Recipe

Almond oats cookies without baking powder, soda ready in a jiffy? Anyone? Yes, these are instant cookies that are done within minutes, from preparation to baking and within half an hour, you could be enjoying these with a cup of tea. Do not believe my words? Well, this is a simple cookie recipe for all health freaks out there! These oats cookies without baing powder, soda are for one and all (of course, barring a few), with the goodness of : almond oats cookies sugarfree fiber-rich oats (did you know a fiber-rich diet can prevent the risk of cancer and metabolic disorders) vitamins and healthy fat-rich almonds (did you know almonds are rich in healthy fats that raise your HDL cholesterol levels - which are good for your body compared to LDL- that are bad fats) homemade ghee (well, frankly, I do not use too much of ghee in my healthy recipes- however, this is instant 5-min ghee ) mineral-rich jaggery (no refined sugar) magnesium-rich watermelon seeds (also rich ...