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Showing posts from September 4, 2022

Gluten-free roti recipe Easy with makki ka atta/ cornmeal flour with rolling pin [Recipe in English]

 if you have recently discovered that you are sensitive to gluten and cannot have wheat chapati, worry not as there are plenty of gluten-free roti options for you to try out. From ragi roti to jowar chapati, rice roti, cornmeal chapati or makki ki roti, besan ki roti, and millet chapatis, you will find numerous ways to make gluten-free chapatis without wheat at home. It takes only a little effort to make gluten-free makki ki chapati without breaking.  The cornmeal flatbread turns out super soft and will become a regular for those who love all things makka/maize or cornmeal. By the way, there is a world of difference between cornmeal and cornflour so do not confuse them with each other. Let's make makki ki roti without breaking with a rolling pin. ingredients for makki ki chapati recipe easy:  1/2 cup- cornmeal flour,  1/4 cup+2 tbsp- water or a little more 1/4 tsp- salt  1/4 tsp methi powder (fenugreek powder) 1/2 tsp- ghee How To Make makki ki roti with a rolling pin To begin with

What is the best diet for a menopausal woman? Can diet affect menopause symptoms? Can you lose weight during menopause?

When talking about women's health, you cannot ignore menopause. Many women fear menopause because of an array of problems associated with it. True, when your estrogen levels decrease in menopause, there might be an increase in your body temperature and weight.  Before talking about the menopause diet, let's see what MENOPAUSE is. Menopause is a stage that every woman passes through when she crosses 50 years of age. This is the period when your menstrual cycle stops completely or you do not have periods for 12 months at a stretch.  So does menopause happen suddenly? Well, you might first pass through Perimenopause before menopause strikes. This is the period shortly before menopause. In some cases, perimenopause can begin in the 40s and sometimes in the 30s. For some women, it could be as late as the mid-50s.  When perimenopause happens, you can start experiencing mood swings, hot flashes, fatigue, and low energy. Since hormone levels, especially estrogen, fall, it can start to