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Showing posts from September 12, 2021

Rising Incidences of Heart Attacks in Young Indians [Possible Causes of Actor Sidharth Shukla's Death]

Sidharth Shukla's death due to a massive heart attack has come as a huge shock to everyone who knew him. His fans saw him as a role model and are unable to digest the reality. Everyone is asking just one question: how can a hard-core gym person - a fitness freak- get a heart attack?  Statistics reveal that 1 in 5 heart attack patients are less than 40 years of age. He was adored by many for his fitness regime. Sidharth Shukla would spend more than an hour building his body and muscles in the gym. But what is the cause of his death despite his awe-inspiring fitness regime?  Shukla is not the only young Indian to have succumbed to a heart attack. The cases of sudden death in young people are rising all over the world, including the United States. Heart problems are often blamed. But what triggers heart or cardiovascular problems in Indian youth? Let's explore some science-backed reasons. Your lifestyle is to be blamed - a sedentary lifestyle and wrong food choices combined with a

Are Cookies Healthy? Karachi Biscuits With Millets, Jaggery, NO EGG, NO baking powder/soda in Airfryer

 Are cookies healthy? Should cookies be part of your healthy diet?  One question that has troubled you for a long time! Our lives are busy.  We have a lot of responsibilities to take care of. In this maddening rush of responsibilities, we tend to reach out to that ready-to-eat junk, which is literally JUNK and does your body no GOOD. This includes store-bought cookies and cakes.  Besides, exposing your body to a lot of calories, ready-to-eat stuff is laden with chemicals and preservatives that your body is not designed to digest. As far as cakes are concerned, you do not eat cakes on a regular basis.  But cookies are your tea-time companion. Kids are literally addicted to cookies. They are more likely to reach out to their favorite cookie packets in the store. You struggle hard to keep them at bay.  Can you relate to it? True, this is the case with a majority of kids who have grown up being exposed to market junk. Now their moms struggle hard to transition them to healthy stuff. So it