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Showing posts from May 20, 2018

Punjabi Atta Biscuits With Jaggery: Organic Whole Wheat Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda

Get the cookie confidence with me!! Travel the journey of organic, chemical-free baking without baking powder, soda with me. If you think of biscuits, you are almost certain to travel back in time to your childhood. Like me, you, too, have some fond "atta biscuit" memories, right? My atta biscuit nostalgia reminds me of my childhood when I would visit my mama (maternal uncle) and he would order a batch of whole wheat cookies from a local baker. The biscuits were then packed in a newspaper and I would indulge in them the most. In fact, we all fell in love with these typical atta biscuits and would bring tins of the same back home. What was so special about these biscuits with whole wheat flour was a hint of black cardamom powder that lent these a distinct flavor. I have grown up now - almost into my 30s, but my love for these nostalgic cookies remains the same. no raising agent recipe of atta biscuits with jaggery After I started baking cookies at home, these att...

Indian Tea Rusk Recipe/Eggless Whole Wheat Cake Rusk: Sugarless Biscotti With Jaggery

In India, tea rusks are a favorite tea-time accompaniment, next only to cookies. My family is no exception either. We have been fondly in love with these double-baked biscottis - eggless of course. The best thing about biscottis is that they retain their crunch even after a dunking round in milk or tea. Cake rusks or even plain saunf rusks have been a childhood favorite. These surely make me feel nostalgic, taking me in time to my childhood when I used to visit a nearby rusk bakery and watch trays of plain rusks lined up waiting for their turn to get into the oven. Aww...I still remember that clearly. My love for Indian tea rusks has been eternal. eggless atta rusk recipe with whole wheat biscotti When I shifted to Delhi, I would often crave for saunf rusks, because the taste and flavor of biscottis here never appealed to me. So I made sure any return visit to my hometown was incomplete without a bag full of cookies and rusks. Yes, such has been my love for these baked good...

3-Ingredient Cookies for Kids Without Baking Powder: Paro Atta Cookies for Toddlers/Healthy Whole Wheat Cookies

Are you looking for children's favoirte cookie recipes without baking powder ? Or you are interested to bake easy 3-ingredient cookies for kids? Well, there's a lot that goes into baking healthy stuff, right? When you want to bake for kids, you have got to watch out the ingredients closely. What kind of fat is good for kids? What type of flour should be used? Do we need more fiber? Will this particular ingredient work in a kid-friendly cookie recipe? Of course, you don't want to include anything that would go against the health of your tiny tot and turn the cookie unhealthy. Well, if you, too, are looking for a healthy cookie recipe for kids, your wishes have been granted here. My parents were returning to their home so I wanted to make healthy biscuits for everyone, especially my little 2-year-old niece Paro. So what next? Thus sprung upon the idea of these Paro cookies without baking powder or teething biscuits or 3-ingredient cookies for kids without baking ...