This post comes in continuation with my last post on vegan condensed milk. Now that I have prepared condensed milk, I wanted to put it to best use. So what better way than adding it to a baked beauty and creating an eggless, dairy-free biscotti with semolina flour? Say, a vegan coconut biscotti! What if this is an airfryer recipe? vegan biscotti coconut in airfryer What makes this vegan biscotti different from my other suji cake rusk recipe is that the latter is little crunchier than the former. What it does not mean this vegan biscotti recipe cannot be tried? vegan semolina biscotti rusk dairy free vegan rusk biscotti semolina biscotti rusk vegan recipe suji cake rusk vegan biscotti egless cake rusk vegan with semolina suji This makes a perfect treat for tea time for vegan followers. While I was preparing the batter for the vegan cake rusk with semolina, there was a power outage in my area for 2 hours. So the dough was left on th...
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