oats pizza no yeast Pizza has become a favorite snack for Indian youngsters ever since its introduction in the country. Who brought the Italian pizza to India? Well, I have no idea! But one thing is sure that Indian kids are in love with this Italian bread. The authentic pizza recipe uses refined flour (maida) and yeast for fermenting, but I have been trying to avoid all-purpose flour in all of my recipes. In fact, I never buy maida :) Rather, I prefer to include a variety of whole cereal grains to my meals. After all, health comes first. These days I am focused on oats and have experimented with this fiber-rich cereal grain innumerable times. I am in pursuit of healthy recipes. My Facebook group is also about Healthy Recipes by Homemakers , where we encourage homemakers to post healthy food. Coming back to the no yeast pizza recipe, I decided to experiment with some fermented rice and lentil mixture. Did that disappoint? Glad, it didn't. You can add your choice o...
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