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Showing posts from May 6, 2018

No Cream Pista Kulfi With Leftover Rice- Sugarless Ice Cream for Pistachio Lovers

This no cream pistachio kulfi is a sure-shot way to enjoy a creamless creamy delight to beat the heat.  If this creamy delight grabs your attention, then the secret ingredient would spark your interest more. The secret to this recipe will bowl you over, making it a no cream creamy delight. Any takers?  The "secret" is one of the most common ingredients in every kitchen, which has turned this creamy sugarless kulfi into a keeper recipe. No, it is not oats this time. On top of it, this kulfi requires no heating, no cooking. So doesn't that make it even simpler? sugarless pista kulfi no cream recipe Too many of secrets these days, isn't it? Well, I do not keep a lot of secrets and tend to reveal my culinary experiments with you all. Let's break the silence on the secret of this healthy dessert. You have leftover rice quite often and wonder what to do with the same, isn't it? Hey, why not try out a kulfi or dessert with the same. A few years back...