Looking for a gluten-free energy bar recipe? Well, we have got you covered here with this protein energy bar recipe, which is easy, healthy, vegan, and refined sugarfree. Check this immensely quick and flavorful energy bars recipe and take a trip down the memory lane, because the amaranth bars will remind you of milk toffees you used to indulge in during childhood. So this is surely a kid-friendly recipe without white sugar. Sweetened with jaggery, the sprouted quinoa, amaranth bars are a sheer delight to indulge in. Are you ready to indulge in these vegan energy bars? instant vegan energy bars (gluten free recipe) One vegan energy bar recipe that you would want to make again and again for your tiny tots as well as the kid in you. The instant energy bars have been validated by a few guests too, who were here right in time to relish the gluten free quinoa bars. My guests were amazed that the instant amaranth bars sugarless tasted yummy and wondered whether they were samp...
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