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Showing posts from September 20, 2020

How to make millet flour at home [MILLET FLOUR RECIPES INDIAN for Babies] Gluten-Free, Vegan Recipes

I choose to soak my millets overnight or for at least 4-5 hours. Soaking helps remove or lower the anti-nutrients or phytates in millets and whole grains. What are phytates? Well, they are the plant's protection. Wondering what it means? Plants are naturally designed to protect themselves from scavengers or attackers. So they tend to create a toxic coating around their fruits (that is, the seeds). This phytic content can be toxic to human health. This is the reason we should soak or sprout grains to eliminate or reduce the phytates before drying and turning them to powder. Sounds so easy, right? Well, making homemade millet flour is easy and hygienic. Why soak and sprout millets? Sprouting increases their absorption capacity and makes millets easy to digest for your stomach.  How to make millet flour at home gluten-free as a skinny recipe or weight loss recipe? Millet flour recipes are nutritious, easy, and healthy. Millets are a nutrient powerhouse, agree? If you love millet...