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Showing posts from February 17, 2019

Eggless Semolina Coconut Cookies Without Baking Powder, Soda: Organic Chemical-Free Baking

If I say this semolina coconut cookie recipe is the easiest to follow, would you believe my words?  If I say these are crispy, crunchy cookies without baking powder, soda, would you trust me? Well, you have got to believe my words, for this is not the first recipe in the baking without baking powder/soda series. Do not forget to check out these organic, chemical-free baking recipes. You will love each one of my baking experiments, for these use organic ingredients. When looking for a simple cookie recipe, try out these easy Indian semolina biscuits and enjoy a blast of coconutty flavor in your mouth. eggless semolina coconut cookies baking without baking powder, soda Why Do I choose to bake without baking powder/soda  Remember your chemistry lessons? Baking powder and baking soda are chemical agents. Since cookies are a regular for me, I do not want to put chemicals into my body. The idea is to bake without chemical agents so we can enjoy organic cookies wit...