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Showing posts from August 20, 2023

what is phytates in food and is phytic acid bad? [Are oats high in phytates]

So we are eating toxins in our food that cause all sorts of digestive and immunity problems.  While the environment is toxic, our food naturally has certain toxic elements that can cause serious problems for a specific group of people if not everyone. these are known as phytates or phytic acid, which are anti-nutrients and don't let your body absorb nutrients from food. these are present in whole grains, nuts, seeds, millets, and legumes. but while phytates are present in the outer layer or bran of whole grains, they are spread inside out in legumes. Phytates are also known as phytic acid, which is the stored form of phosphorus. These are anti-nutrients found in cereals, grains, millets, seeds, nuts, and unprocessed whole grains in their outer layer or bran. Phytates are primarily limited to the outer bran layer of whole grains, but in legumes, they are spread all over, inside-out.  Phytate is the primary phosphorus storage form in legumes, cereals, nuts, and seeds. In fact, p...

What is Bajra Rava (Suji) Can You Make it At Home?

Is bajra pearl millet? Yes, it is! You cna make bajra suji at home easily. The one you make at home is way healthier than store-bought stuff. How? Well, homemade is sprouted bajra rawa. What more do you want? Can Bajra cause constipation? Let's first explore the health benefits of bajra before getting to this question. Pearl millet is a nutritionally superior food, which is rich in micronutrients. The most common miconutrients in bajra include iron and zinc. It is a good source of energy, since it is rich in carbohydrates and crude fibers. Bajra contains resistant starch, which means it is slowly absorbed by the body and does not cause blood sugar spikes. It has both soluble and insoluble dietary fibers, dietary fiber, ash, proteins, antioxidants, and fat . It has better fat digestibility. Pearl millet is a rich source of vitamins, including thiamine, niacin, riboflavin, and minerals. Bajra has a good amount of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese.  I...