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Honey Benefits for Health

Honey benefits heath in more ways than one. The world’s oldest medicine, honey is blessed with excellent healing qualities.  A product of the hardworking bee, honey has been widely in use for beauty, healing, nutrition, and skin care. While refined sugar is dangerous to health in innumerable ways, nature has blessed us with this amazingly sweet yet safer alternative to processed sugar! However, please remember to buy only raw, organic honey to reap maximum benefits. Hippocrates, renowned as the father of medicine, believed that honey made a great natural remedy for several ills, calling it the great golden healer. Roman lesions used honey as a topical treatment to heal their wounds, while in Egypt, honey was surprisingly used as a form of currency. In the words of Hippocrates, “Honey causes heat, cleans sores and ulcers, softens hard ulcers of the lips and heals carbuncles and running sores.” Honey does make a great sugar substitute. So if you are planning to get your sug...

How To Make Coconut Milk At Home; Benefits of Vegan Milk

homemade coconut milk benefits Rich in vitamins and minerals, coconut milk is more than being just a beach-side drink. In fact, the benefits of coconut milk make it an ultimate ingredient for some weight loss treatments, skincare and hair care products and arthritis remedies. Derived from the flesh of mature coconut, coconut milk is a rich antioxidant with plenty of uses. Alternatively, the vegan milk is a miraculous drink for those with lactose intolerance. What is Coconut Milk In order to make coconut milk, you need to grate coconut, process coconut flesh and steep it in hot water. Then the milk is squeezes using a cheesecloth. While the cream will float on top, the liquid milk sits. Coconut milk can be used as a substitute for cow milk in areas that face milk deficit. Compared to older coconuts with dry flesh, fresh coconut that has thick, creamy flesh will result in good quality milk. It is quite simple to make coconut milk. Place 2.5 ounces...

Simple Tips for Home Decoration

home decoration Home decoration comes easy to those who are open to making a few adjustments here and there. If you are looking for a relaxing ambiance at your own haven, you can easily make your home a more beautiful place to live in. By adding a few décor elements here and there and making little adjustments, you can add color and definition to your room and make it an even cozier paradise for your family. If you are an admirer of rustic décor, you might like this explicitly decorated home. Home Decoration Ideas You might like to begin your home decorating project by choosing wall décor items. Adorn the walls with framed or unframed art, wall mirrors, sculptures, tapestries, silver trays, or your own work of art as eye-catching ornaments. You might want to choose a wallpaper to create a focal wall. Augment your windows with window film or art glass, or try custom blinds and shades. Remember, the best wall treatments should not fade away in the background but stand out. ...

Homemade Juice Recipes for Better Health

Well, the more we talk about natural healing, the better it is for health. Why not? It;s great to find how natural therapies work on our metabolism. Alternative healing is all about getting back to the source - the point of our origin - looking for remedies and healing therapies straight from nature and natural produce. Why choose conventional medicine when natural therapy can offer us the much-needed respite from all kinds of pain? Not only is natural therapy pain free, but it is also free from any kinds of side effects, unlike Western medicine that is linked to a plethora of adverse events. I have created a list of some juice recipes that you can prepare at home and enjoy for a healthy living. Regular consumption may not produce any harm either. Apple+ Carrot + Ginger juice  - Boosts health while cleansing your system Cucumber + Orange + Ginger juice - Get fair skin, better skin texture and reduce body heat Apple + Cucumber + Celery juice - Get rid of upset stoma...

Amazing Apple Cide Vinegar Benefits

Apple cide vinegar is being promoted as a wonder health supplement. To what extent is it right to dub it as a health wonder? Well, according to a number of studies, this type of vinegar made from fermented apples does work wonders for health. But remember, most of these studies have been conducted on rats. Nevertheless I decided to research about the apple cider vinegar benefits after I heard some of my relatives using it as a remedy for cholesterol and heart problems. Indeed I was quite surprised about it when I heard about the benefits for the first time. But I must be clear here that they do not take apple cider vinegar alone; rather, blend it with garlic, ginger, and honey and take it in diluted form. We will talk about the remedy later. Let’s see what other benefits of apple cide vinegar are.  The best thing about ACV is that it hasn’t yet been associated with any side effects! Wahooooo!! Recently, the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) published a report in the J...

Learn About the Perfect Diet for Underactive Thyroid

Are you experiencing fatigue, irritability, weight gain/loss, and hair loss? You are suffering from iodine deficiency, my friend. Also known as hypothyroidism, an underactive thyroid is a condition when the butterfly-shaped gland does not produce enough T3 and T4 hormones.   Looking for the right hypothyroidism diet? Do you think there is anything like the perfect diet for underactive thyroid? First things first, reduce the intake of processed food, highly refined stuff, and sugary intake. Well, in order to dig deeper into the right diet for hypothyroisim, you have got to understand what an underactive thyroid means for your body's functioning. Is it normal to have an underactive thyroid? Well, as its name suggests, an underactive thyroid means that the butterfly-shaped thyroid gland is not performing to its optimal best. What does this mean for the rest of the body? You may be surprised to know that the thyroid gland controls a majority of the body's functions. H...

Let Us Learn English

Let's learn English. This little dictionary is meant to help you hone your English vocabulary. 1) Feather own nest: to exploit your position for your benefits. Some politicians know the art of feathering their own nests very well.  2) Punch above your weight : to perform above your competencies, to make great strides that are unexpected of you A good manager can inspire the entire workforce to punch above their weight in performance. 3)   Whiner: somebody who is always complaining, grumbling, criticizing others – also known as crybabies, moaners In every organization, there are good and bad employees, who are whiners and always 4) Flinging: throwing Fling your worries 5) Ergo : therefore, consequently – used as a sentence connector – Ergo, the future of India is in the hands of its youth. 6) Woodsy - characteristic of woods this scent emanates woodsy fragrance 7) get fidgety: feel nervous,  restless, uneasy Kids often get fidgety at the den...

Surprising Turmeric Benefits for Health| Turmeric Remedy for Menstrual Pain, Stomach Ache, Gas

turmeric benefits for health Turmeric health benefits have been known for ages. Used for over 4,000 years, turmeric or curcuma longa is an amazing herb that works magic for most health conditions. Commonly used in Indian homes as a spice, turmeric is a wonder herb. Since childhood, I have seen turmeric being regularly used in our daily meals. In fact, no Indian dish is complete without turmeric. We add turmeric to our foods to give it color. I have known turmeric's anti-septic properties since childhood, but hardly was I aware of its several other benefits. My Personal Experience Recently, I read in a research paper that turmeric worked wonders for gas and bloating. This was a surprise package, I must say. I do not suffer from gas/indigestion, so I referred the remedy to a close relative who does experience these problems often. To my surprise, turmeric benefits started to show up the very first day.  My friend combined one-fourth teaspoon of turmeric with equal quantity o...