coconut cookies I am at parents' place these days. Since my family has started to recognise my baking talent, I wanted to bake a simple batch of cookies for them. I decided to give coconut cookies a try, that too without oven/microwave. I made this batch of crispy, crunchy atta coconut cookies on stovetop. Surprisingly, these came out as crunchy bites that everyone loved with their hot cup of evening tea. Their smiles made my day! Happy happy me. Here is my simple tawa cookies recipe. Eggless Coconut Cookies on Stovetop Ingredients tawa coconut cookies 1 cup- whole wheat flour (atta) 1 cup- dry coconut powder 1 cup- powdered oats (grind rolled oats) 5 tbsp- sugar (you may add more or less as per your taste) 1/2 tsp- baking powder 1/2 tsp- baking soda (for crunch) 4-5 tbsp- cold milk (depending on dough) 4 tbsp- solid desi ghee (refrigerate ghee/butter for 4-5 hours to solidify it) Coconut Cookies Without Oven Procedure Mix flour, coconut ...
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