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Showing posts with the label how to eat nuts during pregnancy

are you eating nuts the right way? giveaway Christmas recipe with honey nuts

 Dry fruits are a healthy and nutritious snack. When combined with honey, the combo becomes a power packed delicious treat. Making honey nuts is easy. But there is a right and wrong way to eat nuts. Ravneet bhalla shares how to eat nuts the right way. Let's see how.  To begin with, soak nuts along with raisins separately.  Leave them soaking for 4-5 hours, soaking helps improve nutrient absorption. There is a coating of anti nutrients around nuts. Soaking breaks that barrier and makes nutrient absorption easier. Unless you soak them, it's no use to munch on nuts because your body will find it tough to absorb nutrients from them.  You can use the soaked raisin water and NEVER discard it as it is rich in prebiotic. Prebiotics are food for probiotics bacteria that helps in digestion.  But you should discard the water in which you soak nuts. This water is dirty and has all the toxins that broke away from nuts during the soaking time.   Now your nuts have become perfect for munching