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Showing posts with the label soda drinks

Phosphoric Acid in Soft Drinks: Say No to Carbonated Beverages

Soda Drink Side Effects : A Myth or Reality? We all love carbonated drinks like anything, but do you have any idea about the phosphoric acid content in soft drinks? Surprised, are you? Well, research reveals that phosphoric acid is added to your favorite soft drinks. To know why it is added and what its effects are, please read further. Here I must tell you that when I first heard cries about soda drink side effects, I was addicted to these beverages. As a health-conscious individual, with my own fitness goals, I immediately decided to STOP drinking soda drinks. Since then I have never felt a craving for these sugar-rich beverages. Though it was hard to quench my cravings for these drinks initially, I had to work hard to reduced my consumption in the beginning, limiting it to almost 50% of what I used to have earlier. Gradually, I reduced the intake further. Here I am today - with no cravings for sodas!!! I am happy my transition wasn't too difficult!   No one in my home