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Showing posts with the label baked whole wheat kachori recipe

Sweet Whole Wheat Baked Kachori in Airfryer [Healthy Indian Snacks Recipe by Ravneet Bhalla]

 Are you looking for a healthy snack recipe in india that would make a perfect accompaniment with your hot cuppa? Of course, we have already learned, tried and tested healthy cookie recipes without maida, Baking powder and soda and of course, refined sugar. Let's take our healthy baking adventure further and try our hands at turning unhealthy traditional recipes into their healthier alternatives. Today's recipe is all about baking whole wheat mawa kachoris without mawa with whole wheat flour in airfryer . No, I do not deep fry anything.  Deep-fried food is high in trans fat and calories. When food is deep-fried, it loses moisture and absorbs fat from oil. 1 tsp of oil has almost 40 calories. Imagine the number of calories you take in when you fry food in oil. Excess calories equal access fat accumulation. When you eat deep-fried food, you tend to raise the risk of trans fats in your body. How? When a food item is deep-fried, the chemical structure of oil changes. As a result,...