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Showing posts with the label blood sugar

Veg Momo Recipe With Suji

veg momos with suji Do you know steamed stuff is diabetes friendly? If you are looking for a diabetes recipe and also love momos, then this post is for you. Momo or steamed dumplings seem to be a hot favorite snacking option among kids these days. Even I like veg momos. I started savoring these steamed dumplings when I shifted to Delhi. Yes, I had never tasted these before. But as I became more and more conscious about health and started watching my intake, we started to make a distance from momos, not because of calories, but since these dumplings use refined flour or all-purpose flour or maida. No maida means diabetes friendly! No sugar means diabetes friendly! No fat means diabetes friendly! Why Say No to Maida: White Flour Disadvantages Maida is a big no at home - with no health benefits, all-purpose flour raises sugar and empty calories in your body does not have any minerals or vitamins is laced with alum to make it look whiter is devoid of any nutri...

Diabetes Diet: Food for Diabetics

common diabetes myths: diabetes food is a myth Here I come again with another piece on   diabetes . As my research on diabetes and diabetes management continues, I will keep you posted on anything and everything I come up with. Today, I shall discuss importance of a dedicated diabetes diet. Holistically following your   diabetes diet   list promises to be the best way to prevent yourself from the chain of complications often associated with this chronic disease. For diabetics, food choices are limited; however, you still need optimal amounts of nutrients and a balanced diet to stay fit and healthy.  In simple words, you can manage diabetes if you know: what to eat when to eat how much to eat According to NIDDK , Target Blood Glucose Levels for Diabetes on an empty stomach should be 70 to 130. After 1 to 2 hours post meals, glucose level sould be 180. You should go for AIC test every 6 months, which will give you a figure of the bloog ...

Blood Sugar Levels Over 500

blood sugars over 500 Ever wondered what the blood sugar reading is all about? Ever heard somebody telling that their blood glucose levels rose to 500 once? Well, if somebody experiences blood sugar levels of as high as 500, it is certainly a medical emergency that needs to be responded to immediately; else the condition can quickly turn fatal. Risk of Blood Sugars Over 500 Optimal blood glucose levels are crucial to the health and survival of an individual, since glucose is the main energy source for the body. In a normal human body, blood sugar levels begin to rise after a meal, which causes pancreas to release insulin in order to help the cells use glucose for energy. On the other hand is a diabetic, whose blood glucose levels rise when pancreas secrete little or no insulin for control sugar levels. In some patients, these levels may rise as high as 500 mg, which is truly a life-threatening condition. Such a condition may cause serious complications for pregnant ...