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Showing posts with the label broken wheat idli

Broken Wheat Recipe: Daliya Idli Toast

daliya idli toast Wondering how to cook broken wheat ? Here's a simple yet interesting way to include cracked wheat into your everyday meals. Cracked wheat benefits health in more ways than one. If you learn cracked wheat for weight loss recipes, then you are working toward a healthy lifestyle. Even I am a health freak. Here are some broken wheat benefits: Remember, the uncle next door for whom I had baked the suji mango cake ? The 80 +year old is fond of idlis. We came to know about it recently. So one day hubby offered to make idlis for him. This was the right time to make another healthy set of idlis. Yes, I have made daliya idlis many times before. But this time it was different. How? I have always been wanting to make idlis sans baking soda or any emulsifying agent. You know the reason already! So this was the right time, I thought to experiment with fermentation. I soaked daliya overnight and next day was able to make super soft idlis. The...

Dalia Idli (Cracked Wheat Recipe With Steamed Dumplings): A Diabetes Friendly Recipe

Broken wheat recipes for weight loss are getting widely popular.If you are here for a diabetes friendly recipe, then this one will come in handy. I love cracked wheat for its sheer range of health benefits. For a long time, I have been wanting to make idlis with dalia (broken wheat), but never had the courage. But my recent successful experiments with oats, ragi, and buckwheat idlis prompted me to go ahead with broken wheat as the main ingredient. So here I am with dalia idli - hubby simply loved these super soft, full of nutrition idlis. dalia idli Dalia /Broken Wheat As a rich source of fiber, cracked wheat aids in digestion. As a result, it aids in weight loss and weight management. It supplies your body with its regular dose of manganese. A rich source of protein and enzymes. dalia idlis for breakfast recipe healthy Cracked Wheat Benefits Whole grains, such as cracked wheat, are a holy grail for weight loss, helping you maintain a healthy body weight. Also...