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Showing posts with the label homemade whole wheat cookies

Easy Atta Cookies Recipe: No Baking Powder, No Baking Soda

almond oats cookies The word "atta cookies" sends me back in history. Yes, I start feeling nostalgic, because I have some fond memories of atta cookies. I remember my mama or maternal uncle bringing boxes of atta biscuits at my nani's place everytime we visited them during summer vacations. Then when it was time to return to our place, he would bring more of those boxes for us to take back home. Aww...I am getting nostalgic. The atta cookies were simple and yet so delicious. The simple cookies with black cardamom flavor were no match to the cookies sold out in confectionaries these days. You could munch on those healthy bites all the time. I still remember unpacking those baked goodies bursting with the flavors of black cardamom - opening those aluminum tins and then unpacking the atta bites from their newspaper packs. I so wish to travel back to childhood now. Ever single memory gives me goosebumps now.  I have the best childhood I could imagine. So m