eggless cake rusk Today, what I am going to share with you all is a wheat cake rusk recipe close to my heart. You already know about my love for cookies, but what about cakes and rusks? Well, obviously, I do love these baked goodies and double-baked delights, but often refrain from indulging too much, for clear reasons - they are calorie rich. eggless cake rusk recipe But what is the need to indulge in? One eggless cake rusk a day would do you no harm, especially if made at home. Yes, now the question arises how to get that perfectly baked melt-in-mouth, soft yet crunchy tea rusk at home? Well, trust me. I am going to break my silence on this eggless Indian cake rusk recipe that I have experimented with one day. Today, I will share the same with you, for I baked one batch yesterday and it reminded me that I had to do the sharing part with you all! So, here I come with this super soft, yummy eggless cake rusk recipe that is a marriage of healthy gra...
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