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Showing posts with the label how to store lemons for long

HOW to STORE LEMONS in Fridge for Long Month After Month (LEMON Preservation Tips & Tricks)

how to store lemon in fridge for long time?  how long can you keep lemons in the fridge? how to store lemons for months? how to store lemons for long? When lemons are selling at a low price, it's time to preserve the vitamin-C-loaded fruit for days when their prices soar. but how to store lemon in fridge for a long time? Hello friends, Ravneet Bhalla is here to share her experience of preserving lemons for more than a month.I always get a bag full of lemons from mom's garden. Paro baby has started helping bhua pluck these beauties that I can pack for my journey back home. So I bought quite a lot of lemons this time again when they had just started to ripen. The simplest way to store lemon in fridge is to pack them in a dry airtight container. However, you want to ensure that they remain dry all the time. Any moisture will make them go bad. Since your refrigerator has moisture, it is highly likely that water droplets will stick to your preserved lemons. I always follow one trick...