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Showing posts with the label pishta wheat cookies

Easy Way To Make Homemade Whole Wheat Cookies Flavored With Pistachio

healthy cookies with atta How do you make crunchy homemade whole wheat flour cookies ? You are here, so it's understood that you are looking for a healthy cookies recipe, isn't it? Of course, given the amount of disadvantages of refined flour or maida or white flour, whole wheat flour certainly makes a healthier alternative. After having read and understood how maida affects our bodies, besides providing it no nutritional value, I have quit including it in my grocery. I can proudly say, maida finds no place in my home! All my baked goodies are healthy, for they use healthy grains and cereals, including whole wheat flour, oatmeal, barley, chickpea flour, almond meal, and what not! So, let's come back to the healthy whole wheat cookies recipe. I prepared this batch of healthy cookies when mom and dad were here last year. I wanted to send a batch of fresh cookies for my dearest brother.So did I , for  home-made cookies have no match in terms of taste a