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Showing posts with the label plastic ban

Plastic Pollution: Demanding Ban on Plastic

say no to plastic Undoubtedly plastic has remained our friend for ages. We have been making use of plastic in everything we do - going to the market, stocking up food items, decorating our homes, using plastic mugs and buckets, and what not. Plastic is all pervasive! But how many of you realize how detrimental plastic is to the environment? When exposed in the environment, plastic turns toxic. It not only pollutes the environment, but also is extremely harmful for those who collect and carry plastic waste. Plastic proves harmful to water bodies, polluting them and making survival difficult for marine creatures. Plastic is hazardous and turns toxic, clogging drainage and water channels. As a concerned global citizen, I demand a ban on plastics . I take my jute bag along to the market so that I do not leave plastic footprints. I am working toward this end to contribute my bit for the environment. I support the loud hue and cry against the use of plastic and try to take ever...