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Showing posts with the label red lentil tofu

95% will say tofu making is tough (I say red lentils tofu is easy to make at home)

 you won't believe how easy tofu making is until you do it yourself. If you are looking for protein-rich tofu, making one with red lentils is a good idea. The tofu stays good in the fridge for 3-4 days and in the freezer for days together.  So let's begin making red lentil tofu. In India, red lentil is lal masur ki dal.  A little about red lentils Red lentils or masoor dal are one of the weight loss favorites that can be added to any weight loss diet for their nutritional benefits. There's a lot of dietary fiber and protein in masoor dal, which facilitates excess fat and weight loss, and proper bowel movement. Let's begin making tofu with red lentils  ingredients 1 cup- red lentils 1.5 cups of water for cooking sesame salt, pumpkin salt, rosemary, turmeric (you may replace with normal salt) for cooking tofu in airfryer 1 tbsp- olive oil or little more pumpkin salt rosemary soak 1 cup of red lentils overnight after rinsing it well. soaking of lentils helps reduce p