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Showing posts with the label soaked sesame seeds tahini

How To Make Tahini Recipe in India the Right Way [Sesame Seed Butter in Indian Air Fryer]

Hello everyone! Let's make " soaked sesame seeds tahini" today. No, I am not kidding! Perhaps you are here after reading the title to find how to make tahini in India? Sesame seeds are a staple in the Mediterranean, and they have mastered the art of making tahini at home. Perhaps, the sesame seeds paste finds a place in their cuisine and recipes, which of course, are healthy. Of course,  the Mediterranean diet is known as the healthiest diet in the world. No doubt about it. But my concern here is different. Let's see how I make tahini at home in air fryer, though you do not need one to process your own batch of this delicious and healthy buttery spread. Before beginning with the recipe to make sesame seeds tahini, I want to ask how many of you soak your seeds, nuts, legumes, millets, and grains in water before use? Similarly, do Sesame seeds need to be soaked?  Well, in order to understand this, you must first learn about the need for soaking of seeds or nuts. Did yo