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Showing posts with the label stress and obesity

Why is Stress Bad | The Stress- Obesity Connection| Mood and Food Link Unlocked

Stress eating? stress is bad: food and mood connetion  Stress = obesity =  body becomes vulnerable to disease = lower immunity cancer How stress makes you fat? Chronic stress = disrupted sleep = sleepless nights High levels of stress hormones = increase in blood sugar = higher risk of diabetes High blood sugar levels in the body = more hunger pangs and increased sweet and fat cravings Food cravings = comfort eating comfort eating = guilty indulgence guilty eating = obesity and increased stress A recent study conducted by researchers at London's King's College reveals that sleep-deprived people consume more calories than others who sleep better. The sleep-deprived are more likely to consume 385kcal extra per day. Good Food Is Good Mood Junk Food = Bad Mood Animal Food = Depression Your diet could be the reason behind your stress, anxiety, and frustration. If you are used to indulging in guilty eating and your diet lacks a good serving of fru