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Showing posts with the label the best oatmeal cookies

Easy, Healthy Oatmeal Cookies: A No Baking Powder Recipe To Make Oatmeal Delicious

Another healthy yet simple cookie recipe comes your way. Yes, it is oats on my mind once again. Rather, it is always oats and oats flocking my mind. Nevertheless, there are too many benefits to relish this dietary fiber grain so why shouldn't I think of oats all the time? Like it or dislike it, oats is here to stay! This oatmeal cookie recipe will give you more reasons to fall in love with this whole grain cereal and enjoy its goodness. Combined with the deliciousness of sunflower seeds, this oats cookie recipe is going to be a regular on your baking journey. Do not believe me? Well, you have got to give the healthy oatmeal cookie recipe a go right away. healthy oatmeal cookies sunflower seeds recipe When it comes to baking a healthy batch of cookies, you need just a few ingredients. Perhaps you do not need any raising agents. Of course, no all-purpose flour here. There is no place for white flour in my home, which only adds empty calories and raises sugar levels in yo...

The Best Oatmeal Cookies Recipe Unlocked: Diabetes Friendly Crackers

wheat crackers What are crispy, crunchy bakes known as? Yea, you have guessed it right! Crackers - cut. cut cut!!! Do you love than crackling sound? If so, this post is for you. Do you love homemade crackers? If so, this recipe is for you! Are you looking for a Diwali gift or even a birthday present for a health freak? Then this pack of healthy goodies is for you! So many options in one post! Wow! Whole wheat flour cookies are a healthier take on refined flour cookies available in the market. Agree? Yes,you ought to! What about crackers- say whole wheat crackers or even oatmeal crackers? Well, you bet it! Crackers are even healthier than cookies, for they use less of fat and more of water. diabetes friendly recipe cracker Cookies healthy cookies everywhere, and so many crackers to eat! Can cookies be healthy? Somebody questioned. Why not, my mind pondered? When you eat outside junk, you never question whether this or that is healthy. Then wha...