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Showing posts with the label beetroot benefits

Is Beetroot Powder Healthy? Degradation of Betalain Upon Heating

Okay, so we are already hugely impressed with the color of beetroot. We all love those hues, right? But is beetroot powder healthy? What is the safest way to make beetroot powder? Does heat exposure affect beetroot betalain quality? Let's check some of the beetroot powder benefits first: betalains vitamins nitrate polyphenols flavonoids What are Betalains?  Betalains are known to reduce nitrative and oxidative stress by preventing DNA damage. They are also known to reduce LDL. Betalains may play a role in exerting antitumor activity by preventing cell proliferation, inducing cell apoptosis and autophagy.  Nitrate is essential to lower lipid and glucose as well as blood pressure. Its role in treating hypertension is known to all.  Nitrate‐rich food can boost athletic performance while reducing muscle soreness. Research finds,  "Several lines of evidence have shown that betalains might reduce the risk of some cancers, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver and kidne

Carrot Beetroot Chutney, Soup: Instant Recipe for Beginners

I rarely bring beetroot home, as it tends to raise histamine in people with allergies. However, I was tempted to bring it this time for mom dear, as beetroot is packed with antioxidants and can help improve hemoglobin. This post gets inspiration from Deepti Aggarwal's carrot beetroot chutney . I have modified the beet chutney recipe to present to you a simple, instant recipe for beginners. This is a must try for beet lovers!  Beetroot benefits health in more ways than one and is fast becoming a superfood that can help improve blood flow and reduce blood pressure. beetroot chutney with carrot: simple, instant recipe for beginners Wondering about this simple recipe to make beet chutney? Worry not! We have listed a few beetroot benefits for you, and then the carrot beet chutney recipe is next. A boost to your cardio health Have you heard about beet's cardiovascular benefits? Well, some studies claim that eating beetroot can help reduce the risk of heart disease, ob