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Showing posts with the label almond butter

Almonds vs Cashew: Which Nut Butter is Healthier?

almond butter versus cahsew butter: which is healthier? Nut butter is a healthier choice to clarified butter. It makes a perfect vegan butter for those looking for healthy vegan choices. It is ideal for those with lactose intolerance and sensitivity to dairy products. Alternatively, nut butter makes a healthier option to butter, desi ghee, and cream or for that matter, mayonaise, cream toppings, and what not! But when it comes to picking the healthiest of nut butter, which one would you pick? Do you know cashew is high in fat and calories? Almond is a healthier alternative to cashews and peanuts. Walnuts, too, are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids and thus the healthiest of nuts. Nut Butter is a healthier alternative to clarified butter and cream. But it is important to underline and differentiate between cashews and almonds as far as their cholesterol and fat lowering properties is concerned. I have come across a health website that recommends u...

Homemade Whole Grain Cookies: Nutty Crunchy Oatmeal Biscuits With Almond Butter

almond butter oatmeal cookies Baking with whole grains is so simple. Did I say baking with oat flour isn't that difficult? If you are a frequent guest on my blog, you already know that oatmeal is a superfood to include in your diet. Here I am with another batch of healthy cookies with oatmeal. I am a health freak, but I am a cookie lover as well. Yes, I am too fond of cookies. If you have landed on this page, this shows you, too, are bitten by the cookie bug. Isn't it? Well, it may be your love for cookies or for family that loves cookies that you have taken to cookie making. My cookie baking journey has been a beautiful ride thus far. It does not mean I haven't tasted failures. I have had too many failures in cookie making, and the journey is a sweet bitter story sometimes. But I am not someone to be taken aback. You hand me some nuts and I will make cookies out of them. This is what cookie making is all about for me. homemade oat flour cookies Anyway ...

Almond Fudge (Badam Burfi) Recipe for Navratris, Festivals, Fasting

badam burfi for navratri It was my navratri fast today, so I was in no mood to cook anything. All I was able to make was navratri special sweet - badaam burfi.  When hubby says this is the best almond fudge he has ever had, what more can I say?  Almonds are power-packed nuts - rich in calcium, dietary fiber, proteins, and magnesium. Almonds benefit health in numerous ways.  Help manage blood glucose levels Add dietary fiber and aid in digestion Make a powerful snacking option Are loaded with vitamins & minerals, making them a complete health food Health benefits of almonds have been a matter of discussion for centuries, with no controversies whatsoever. Eat them raw or toasted; flakes or sliced, slivered or floured or simply turn them into almond milk or almond butter.  Believe me or not, almond butter makes a great substitute to clarified butter. I have tried an almond butter cake , without adding a single drop of oil or...