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Showing posts with the label chia seeds

Do Chia Seeds Induce Weight Loss or Fat Loss?

 Well, it's not for nothing that these tiny black pearls have emerged as a superfood in the fast-advancing world of today. but chia seed is no magic bullet to induce weight loss. no doubt, chia seeds are a super nutritious food - aka superfood - but their role as weight loss agents is debatable.  there are not too many studies or research papers to validate the claims that chia seeds for weight loss work. if you are starting on a chia seed diet to lose fat and weight, think again. chia wont do you the favors of fat loss. They are rich in protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals.  Chia is known by different sobriquets:  “the seed of the 21st century”  “new gold”  “superfood”  “super nutrient”  ω-fatty acid (omega) powerhouse half of the world's population singing chia seed weight loss songs does not even know how to eat these black pearls. there's a right and wrong way to do so! what's that?let's see A mineral powerhouse K (potassium) 0.726 g/100 g Mg 0.449