Hey friends, Ravneet Bhalla brings one video with three healthy recipes for you all. you buy fresh cream in tetra packs. now forget that and make homemade fresh cream at home easily. recipe 2 shows you how to make fermented cheese at home that melts and stretches too. it's way healthier than the market junk which has all kinds of preservatives and additives that you don't want your kids to eat. the third recipe is homemade healthy cheese spread with the ingredients from recipe 1 and recipe 2. chalo, let's get started. but before that, if you are crazy for health and healthy lifestyle, then SUBSCRIBE to the channel and support it by pressing the bell icon for notifications. let's connect in Instagram as well. to begin with, you will need 1 liter or more of pasteruized milk. I have taken full fat milk here. because that gives you a creamier cheese. now pour into a bowl. cover and keep aside overnight in the fridge. since it is winter time, I keep it outside and the reci...
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