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Showing posts with the label energy bar

Gluten Free Cookie Bars: Refined Sugarfree, Eggless, Butterless, Oil Free, Vegan Option

I had granola bars on my mind when I started with this project. Gradually as I moved forward, I had to change my mind and decided to bake these bars. The final outcome was something like cookies and a bit like energy bars. Well, let's take the middle path and christen these as cookie bars. gluten free energy bars cookie bars sugarfree Hello friends, welcome back. It's time for yet another healthy recipe. It's cookie bars today - cookie bars? you might wonder! We have tried energy bars, and we have lots of healthy cookie recipes here I call these cookie bars because I had decided to make gluten-free energy bars, but as I progressed with the recipe, it ended up being a cookie bar -yes, a mix of cookies and bars So it has the best of both worlds- cookies and bars. If you love cookies, you will love these. If you love barks, then cookie bars will steal your heart. so what are you waiting for? Let's jump right into the recipe: gluten free cookie ba...