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Showing posts with the label flaxseeds

What does flaxseed do for the female body? Are Flaxseeds Safe for Women?

Are Flaxseeds safe for women? Does flaxseed increase female hormones? How much flaxseed should a woman take daily? Are flax seeds good for breasts? Are there any negative effects of flaxseed? Flaxseeds are generally safe for most women in moderate amounts, however, their effect on menstrual cycles needs careful consideration. Here's the breakdown based on scientific research: One study explains, "Flaxseeds: A Natural Ally for Period Health? Well, it seems flaxseeds pack even more potential benefits! A study explored their impact on the menstrual cycle, and the results are promising. Turns out, consuming just a tablespoon of flaxseeds daily could lengthen your luteal phase, the latter half of your cycle. This translates to a one-day delay in your next period, offering some flexibility if needed. But that's not all! Flaxseeds seem to boost ovarian function, leading to fewer anovulatory cycles (those without ovulation). This echoes the positive effects observed in women on pl

What is the toxin in flaxseeds? Are Flaxseeds Toxic?

Flaxseed Toxicity and Cyanide Connection: Examining the Research While flaxseeds boast numerous health benefits, concerns have arisen regarding their potential connection to cyanide toxicity. Let's dive into the scientific research to understand the facts:  1. Cyanogenic Glycoside Content: Flaxseeds do contain cyanogenic glycosides, specifically linustatin and neolinustatin. When broken down by digestive enzymes, these compounds release hydrogen cyanide (HCN).  However, it's crucial to understand the context: The amount of HCN released from flaxseeds is very low, estimated at 1-2 mg per tablespoon (10g) compared to the lethal dose of 50-60 mg for an adult.  Human bodies possess efficient HCN detoxification pathways , primarily in the liver , readily converting it to the harmless thiocyanate .  Studies haven't shown increased blood cyanide levels or adverse effects, even with consumption of 50g flaxseeds daily for 8 weeks.  2. Research Findings : A review on flaxseeds analy

Is flaxseed safe for kidney patients?

 is flaxseed good for high creatinine?  is flaxseed good for liver and kidneys?  is flaxseed good for kidney transplant patients?  what seeds are good for kidney disease?  is flaxseed oil bad for kidneys ? how to use flaxseed for fatty liver?  is flaxseed high in phosphorus? So many questions revolving around flaxseed safety for kidney patients. Let's see what scientific research says about the effects of flaxseed consumption on kidneys. Flaxseed is Heart Healthy Flaxseed contains antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiapoptotic properties. Rich in omega 3, lignans, fiber, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, flaxseeds help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation and improve cardio heath by lowering blood pressure and improving lipid circulation.  Research finds that flaxseeds exert antiplatelet and antiatherosclerotic actions and have a protective role against oxidative stress (which can result in tissue damage, chronic inflammation, and DNA alteration). Flaxseeds for kidneys? Let&#