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Showing posts with the label healthy samosa

Baked Atta Samosa: Airfryer Wheat Samosa/Airfryer Indian Recipes

Wondering how airfryer Indian recipes turn out? Well, given the amount of oil most Indian recipes use, you tend to doubt whether airfryer Indian recipes turn out good. But they do. baked samosa Hubby loves samosa, but I always make sure he never has it. Yes, you may call me devil, but I really do not want him to serve him with any deep-fried stuff merely for his love for samosa. So I decided to surprise him with a baked samosa instead, that too made of whole wheat flour, little suji, and besan. I must accept that there is a difference between wheat and maida. Maida (all purpose flour) tastes better but it isn't the healthiest option. So I tried with wheat, as I am watching our food intake closely. My baked samosa tastes good, though it may not be the best, as we get from the halwai or its fried alternative. But since health comes first, taste can wait! Now I have tried samosa in airfryer too. The end result is pretty satsifying. I am glad I chose to bake