Here's Ravneet Bhalla's answer to all of you looking for Healthy breakfast ideas, healthy snack ideas, healthy food, healthy food recipes, healthy breakfast, healthy dinner ideas. This easy roti pocket recipe is easy to make and yummy to taste - of course, when Ravneet Bhalla posts a recipe, it has got to wear the healthy tag too. Let's prepare the chapati pocket dough, which is as simple as making your normal roti dough. The difference is only that I follow no-knead dough method or autolysis. Add water, a little amount of fenugreek powder, salt, and flour. Mix with a spoon or spatula until it resembles wet sand. Splash water on top of the atta. Cover and keep asidefor 20-30 minutes. The atta will set beautifully and you need tojust gather it into dough. That's it. The roti pocket dough is ready. Keep it aside. Now let's make the nutritious, yummy, healthy filling for these roti tacos. This healthy lunch recipe uses a bowl of boiled kabuli ch...
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