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Showing posts with the label healthy snack recipes india

Let's Make EASY Breakfast Recipe for Kids Tiffin, Lunch Box [Roti Veg Puffs Without Oven]

 Here's Ravneet Bhalla's answer to all of you looking for Healthy breakfast ideas, healthy snack ideas, healthy food, healthy food recipes, healthy breakfast, healthy dinner ideas. This easy roti pocket recipe is easy to make and yummy to taste - of course, when Ravneet Bhalla posts a recipe, it has got to wear the healthy tag too. Let's prepare the chapati pocket dough, which is as simple as making your normal roti dough.  The difference is only that I follow no-knead dough method or autolysis.  Add water, a little amount of fenugreek powder, salt, and flour.  Mix with a spoon or spatula until it resembles wet sand. Splash water on top of the atta. Cover and keep asidefor 20-30 minutes.  The atta will set beautifully and you need tojust gather it into dough. That's it. The roti pocket dough is ready. Keep it aside. Now let's make the nutritious, yummy, healthy filling for these roti tacos. This healthy lunch recipe uses a bowl of boiled kabuli ch...

Indian AIRFRYER Recipes for Weight Loss [How To Bake Paneer Pakoda for Healthy Snacks for Kids]

If you are on a weight loss diet and crave for paneer pakoda, bake in airfryer as a healthy Indian snack recipe. Here's my super simple crispy paneer air fryer recipe of pakora. For more air fryer indian recipes, check this Youtube channel. Baked Paneer Pakoda If you love pakoras and are often guilty of indulging in these deep-fried fritters, then I have a alternative - a slightly healthier one, of course. Try baking your favorite paneer pakora in airfryer (oven/otg/convection ), and you can enjoy this treat with a little less amount of guilt. I have not had paneer pakodas for so long. I am crazy for paneer pakoras but paneer is calorie dense altready and deep frying it only adds to the calories and fat. So I have found out a little healthier way to enjoy my favorite snacks. What about you? Would you love to bake pakoras or still love them with a little bit of salt and pepper (LOL- guilty indulgence)? Whether you wish to learn how to make pakora in air fryer or bake paneer pakod...