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Showing posts with the label homemade nutella with jaggery

Can you make nutella with jaggery? (Buttery Creamy Hazelnut Spread)

Can you make homemade nutella with hazelnuts? yes, hazelnuts are quite expensive but they have a dense nutrient profile. but kids may not be as willing to eat nuts as much as they love to indulge in nutella. so let's make a small batch of healthy nutella with jaggery and eliminate all preservatives, chemicals, and refined sugar from the easy nutella recipe. there are two types of hazelnuts available on the market - one with skin  other without peel I got a batch of skinless hazelnuts. so that cuts short one step in the process of making nutella.  How to make nutella at home without sugar/oil? The process begins with dry roasting 1 cup of vitamin E rich nuts for 8-10 min @ 160 deg c. if you want to toast nuts in kadahi, please do so. but do not brown them. the process will be fairly quick in an open vessel. if yours is a hazelnut batch with skin, peel off the skin after toasting. then proceed to the next step. the peel should come off easily once the nuts are roasted. pulse hazelnu