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Showing posts with the label homemade whole grain cookies

Homemade Whole Grain Cookies: Nutty Crunchy Oatmeal Biscuits With Almond Butter

almond butter oatmeal cookies Baking with whole grains is so simple. Did I say baking with oat flour isn't that difficult? If you are a frequent guest on my blog, you already know that oatmeal is a superfood to include in your diet. Here I am with another batch of healthy cookies with oatmeal. I am a health freak, but I am a cookie lover as well. Yes, I am too fond of cookies. If you have landed on this page, this shows you, too, are bitten by the cookie bug. Isn't it? Well, it may be your love for cookies or for family that loves cookies that you have taken to cookie making. My cookie baking journey has been a beautiful ride thus far. It does not mean I haven't tasted failures. I have had too many failures in cookie making, and the journey is a sweet bitter story sometimes. But I am not someone to be taken aback. You hand me some nuts and I will make cookies out of them. This is what cookie making is all about for me. homemade oat flour cookies Anyway ...

Whole Wheat Ragi Cookies: Baking With Whole Grains

ragi cookies I am a big fan of oatmeal digestives. This was the time to experiment with finger millet. This batch of ragi digestives gets inspiration from Padhu's Kitchen . I have always wanted to try out healthy cookies with whole grains. This recipe is exactly what I have always dreamed of - sweet, subtle flavors that are almost certain to make you nostalgic. Tea and cookies are a match made in haven. Undoubtedly, this is a delectable combination. If you are a tea lover like me, you have got to be in love with cookies. When you can bake healthy whole grain cookies at home, you already know you have got a perfect accompaniment with your hot cup of tea. Biscuits are usually made with white flour,  fats, and white sugar, besides a long list of additives and preservatives. Perhaps you know that these do no good to you body. Indeed these are harmful. ragi digestives Additives and flavoring agents ensure a longer shelf life, while the latter add flavors to the biscu...